New York Strip Steaks

What you lot volition need

  • 4 New York strip steaks, 8 oz each
  • 1 bottle of Weber 
  • steak as well as chop seasoning 
  • 2 tablespoons of crude of whatever kind, you lot volition ask to pose crude on a newspaper towel as well as wipe over your grill grates earlier you lot pose the steaks on.
  1. Before you lot laid upwards the steaks select them to room temperature, then, Sprinkle a generous amount of steak seasoning on each side. the grill should survive hot earlier you lot pose them on there.
  2. Grill the New York strip steaks over a high oestrus until they are done to your liking vi minutes on each side should survive medium.
  3. 8 minutes on each side should survive good done.
  4. Take the meat off the grill as well as permit it residual for ten minutes earlier serving. (resting volition permit it assemble the juices dorsum inwards the meat)


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