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Teowchew Png Kueh / Teowchew Sticky Rice Dumpling (潮州饭粿 / 潮州红桃粄 )

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Beautiful pinkish hue rice flour peel wrapped amongst flavorful gluey rice. Pressed on a nicely designed peach shaped wooden mould, together with and then steam the dumpling to perfection. You tin swallow it freshly steamed, or pan-fried. It's upward to you.

I conduct maintain a long listing of kuehs' together with dumplings to make. But first, I wanna build TeowChew Png Kueh.

Max told me that he doesn't actually fancy Png Kueh. He felt that it is a super thick skinned tasteless kueh. I frowned when I heard how he described it. But I merely braved myself to practise it, fifty-fifty though I knew he in all likelihood won't appreciate it.

In Tradition, almost every TeowChew menage unit of measurement volition build Png Kueh for festive flavour together with also role of the religious offering. There are white together with pinkish version of peach dumpling. White is commonly used every bit offering to the ancestors, pinkish is used during religious praying session. In Malaysia, there's even so for sure TeowChew menage unit of measurement practicing the Png Kueh's color differentiation for unlike purpose. But inwards Singapore, white colored Png Kueh almost doesn't be anymore unless they are making it on their ain at home.

This lovely pinkish peach shaped dumpling has 2 versions, differentiating unlike clans.

The TeowChew version's pinkish peach shaped dumpling is wrapped amongst flavorful gluey rice filling, called 潮州饭粿 / 潮州红桃粄. The HorPor Clan (河婆) version's pinkish peach shaped dumpling is wrapped amongst crushed toasted peanuts amongst sugar, together with this sweetness dumpling is identified it every bit 桃粄.

Max similar it pan-fried. The crusty layer of peel gives aroma, served amongst sweetness dark soy sauce, closed to toasted sesame, I personally preferred to add together closed to chopped coriander together with chillies for richer inwards flavor. Yummm!!!

It's quite a challenge for the get-go time, without anyone guiding me. I postulate to constituent inwards the overall gustatory modality of the Png Kueh every bit a whole. The peel is almost tasteless. The gluey rice filling is savory. Both peel together with filling volition live eaten together with chewed together inwards my mouth. And so, the filling must live to a greater extent than salty than the savory gluey rice that nosotros commonly create for champaign eating. And this is how nosotros repose the overall taste.

I also imagined that the Png Kueh to live pan-fried, serve amongst sweetness dark soy sauce together with chilli. Sweet dark soy sauce has slight saltiness, together with so does chilli sauce. Hence, the saltiness of the Png Kueh itself cannot live over-powered, but at the same time, it must live flavorful, robust together with aromatic. In Singapore, yes, nosotros swallow it this way. But inwards other places, perhaps they swallow it plain. If yous dearest it inwards apparently steamed Png Kueh rather than pan-frying, I'd advise yous to add together closed to other one-half tsp of common salt on your gluey rice seasoning.

This Png Kueh is lightly pan-fried. The peel is non every bit thick every bit those selling out there. The filling is firmly pressed during wrapping, together with hence, filling is fully packed, to ensure every chew gives mouthful of flavored gluey rice. Max is totally sold past times my Png Kueh. He says he'd changed the agency he feels virtually Png Kueh. Hahaha...

You desire a bite?

For Png Kueh, yous postulate to computer program ahead. Glutinous rice together with chinese dried mushrooms postulate to live soaked overnight. So, here, I volition tell yous my training procedure to shorten your actual day's chore.

DO NOT acquire freaked out past times my long writings. I'm merely trying to plow over yous every bit much details every bit yous in all likelihood need. This recipe makes xx to 22 dumplings. But it also depends on the size of your dumplings, together with how thick or how sparse your dumpling peel is. My dumpling peel is 45 grams each dough, together with wrapped upward forty grams of gluey rice filling.

(Source : Authentic Chinese Dumplings published past times Famous Cuisine Publishers, amongst modification) 

The Skin Dough
  • 400g Rice Flour
  • 80g Tapioca Flour
  • 1 tbsp Caster Sugar
  • 560ml Boiling Water
  • ½ tsp Salt
  • 2 tbsp Cooking Oil
The Glutinous Rice Filling
  • 360g Glutinous Rice, soaked overnight
  • 60g Chinese dried mushrooms, soaked overnight
  • 25g Dried Shrimps
  • 12 Shallots
  • 1 tin of Canned Braised Peanuts
  • 1 heaped tbsp Premium Oyster Sauce
  • ½ tsp Sesame Oil
  • 3 tbsp Light Soy Sauce
  • 1½ tsp Sugar
  • ½ tsp Salt
  • 1½ tsp White Pepper
  • 6 tbsp Water
Serving Suggestions
  • Sweet Dark Soy Sauce
  • some toasted sesame seeds
  • some chopped coriander
  • some chilli sauce or sambal or whatever chilli yous prefer
Note : The master copy recipe inquire for 600g Rice Flour together with 100g Tapioca Flour. But at the destination of the day, I conduct maintain 20% dough leftover, together with no to a greater extent than filling left. So, I discarded the remaining dough. And so, if yous are similar me, prefer thinner peel together with thicker filling, this recipe higher upward gives yous the correct total of dough amongst the correct total of filling. But if yous prefer thicker peel merely similar those store-bought dumpling, practise add together 20% of everything for your dough recipe.

Preparation (The dark before) 
  1. Walk to the supermarket together with acquire everything I need. 
  2. Wash together with soak gluey rice. Do the same to the chinese dried mushrooms. 
  3. Peel shallots, rinse, pat dry out amongst kitchen towel, pack it inwards a plastic bag. Throw it inwards the fridge. 
Preparation (Actual Day) 
  1. Rinse together with soak dried shrimps for 10mins. Chop upward dried shrimps using chopper.
  2. Snip away mushrooms stems, discard. Cut mushrooms into modest pieces. 
  3. Chop upward peeled shallots using chopper. 
  4. Open upward a tin of braised peanuts. Discard the braised sauce. We only postulate the peanuts. 
  5. In a bowl, mix all the seasoning together. 
  6. Drain soaked gluey rice, identify it on a large plate, steam it for 25 minutes. Uncover the lid together with splash closed to H2O on the gluey rice every 10 mins steaming interim. Set aside.

To create the Filling
  1. In a pre-heated wok, iv tbsp cooking oil, saute shallots together with dried shrimps over depression estrus until fragrant. 
  2. Add inwards mushrooms, stir youngster briskly over until good combined together with estrus through. 
  3. Add the steamed gluey rice, plow to depression heat. With your spatula, interruption the lumpy gluey rice.
  4. Pour inwards seasoning, stir together with toss well. Ensure all gluey rice is good coated amongst the seasoning. Stir inwards braised peanuts. Stir well.
  5. Dish out. Transfer the gluey rice to the steamer together with steam closed to other 10mins.
  6. Remove from steamer together with travel out to cool. Cover it upward amongst a moisture towel to forestall the transcend layer of the gluey rice from drying out.     
Steaming, stir-frying, together with steaming... This procedure is to ensure gluey rice is evenly flavored, evenly cooked, bouncy, chewy, together with yet non overly cooked. I don't similar mushy gluey rice. It is piece of cake to over cooked it. But it is non piece of cake to create it merely right. Some people pick out to allow the rice cooker to practise the job. I'm anal quite particular. So, practise it the agency my woman parent taught me, together with it never fails me so far, although at that topographic point are to a greater extent than steps to follow.

You tin acquire braised peanuts from supermarket. I used Narcissus brand. I intend it gustatory modality pretty good.

To laid the Dough
  1. In a mixer, add together inwards rice flour, tapioca flour, carbohydrate together with salt. Mix well. 
  2. While the mixer is even so moving, add together inwards boiling H2O together with cooking crude inwards the flour mixture inwards 2 intervals. Half boiling water, mix, one-half cooking oil, mix. And then, one-half boiling water, mix, one-half cooking oil, mix. And when I said boiling water, job boiling water. Don't plow over me warm H2O together with facial expression it to work. You postulate boiled H2O to "pre-cook" the dough here. 
  3. Add a drib of reddish coloring, mix. Observe the modify inwards color for your dough piece mixer is doing the job. Is that the pinkish hue yous want? If yes, proceed to allow the mixer to mix. If no, add together to a greater extent than coloring. Do retrieve to add together coloring abit at a time. You don't desire to over-power the color. 
  4. Continue to allow the mixer mix until the dough turned solely pink. 
  5. Transfer the pinkish dough into a large bowl, together with this is where yous postulate to practise it manually. Knead the dough amongst both palm until dough is smooth. 
  6. Evenly carve upward the dough into modest portions, embrace it amongst moisture stuff to forestall dough from drying. My private dough is virtually 45g each.

To wind together with shape the dumpling
  1. Form the dough into ball shape, then, build a hole, flatten it amongst your fingers, to create a "bowl" shape. 
  2. Spoon inwards closed to gluey rice filling, wind well. My filling is virtually 40g for each dumpling. Firmly press the rice filling abit, so that they are packed together together with yous volition live able to practise the wrapping easier. If there's holes hither together with there, acre it amongst closed to extra dough pieces. It's fine. Patches would live hardly seen because it is steamed dumplings. Do it the agency yous prefer.
  3. Dust the mould amongst a petty tapioca flour, knock the excess tapioca flour out of the mould. Dust the wrapped dumpling amongst a petty tapioca flour likewise if yous want. Dusting the mould is tedious. I only dust the wrapped dumpling. It industrial plant also. 
  4. Put the wrapped dumpling into the mould, press it firmly amongst your palm together with invert the dumpling. 

To steam together with serve
  1. Arrange dumplings on a greased steaming tray or a plate.
  2. Steam the dumpling nether medium estrus for 10mins or until it is cooked. If your dumpling is bigger inwards size, steam it for closed to other 1 or 2 minutes. 
  3. Transfer steamed dumpling into a plate together with travel out it cool abit, then, grease the dumpling amongst closed to cooking crude on transcend to forestall them from sticking to each other. 
  4. Serve the dumpling hot from the steamer or slow pan-fry it to accomplish crust on the skin, accompanied amongst sweetness dark soy sauce, toasted sesame seeds, together with closed to chilli sauce if yous prefer.  

The recipe asking it to live steamed nether high heat. And yes, usually, closed to people practise that. But I realized that steaming the dumpling over high estrus volition in all likelihood over-steamed it together with eventually, the dumpling volition somehow disfigured. The beautiful flowery pattern on the dumpling volition "melt-away". I believe you've seen disfigured store-bought ang ku kueh earlier don't ya?

This is my peach shaped wooden mould. I got it from taobao, the china shopping website. I dearest it together with it is in all likelihood 1 of the nicest peach shaped mould I've institute so far.

Look at the result. Isn't it lovely? It has dainty circular sexy butt! Max says ... "我的饭粿有屁股的!!!" Hahaha..

The medium estrus steaming gives skillful outcome inwards retaining the dainty flowery pattern on the dumpling. Absolutely lovely! However, the peel volition plow abit hardened when dumpling is cooled. Just re-steam it earlier serving, together with the peel volition plow soft again.

For this get-go attempt, the outcome was satisfactory, although I practise prefer the peel to live slightly softer. But again, it depends on what's your expectations on the destination result. I'm quite happy amongst it for now. But I volition proceed to seek improvement. When it comes to cooking, imaginations practise comes in.

TeowChew, Hor Por, Hakka, GuangDong together with HuiZhou. They are so close to each other. That in all likelihood explains why there's a similarity inwards their traditions together with cuisines. Not only the peach shaped dumpling. For example, Hor Por mode Mochi 河婆客糍粑 and Hui Zhou mode Mochi. They are the same. But inwards unlike shape. In Singapore, nosotros identified it every bit "Muah Chee" 麻糍, inwards Japan, it is Mochi.

There are so many types of kuehs, dumplings together with modest eats to acquire together with explore. I'm quite into it. Are yous 1 of them?

Update : There are people commented that this recipe doesn't plow over soft png kueh skin. Neither practise I cite that this recipe volition plow over yous soft skin. The peel volition plow harder when png kueh is cooled. But if yous desire the peel to live soft again, practise resteam it. Pls conduct maintain authorities notation of that.

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