Batman Onigiri 蝙蝠侠饭团

Rice Based Superhero Theme Food Art - Batman Onigiri 蝙蝠侠饭团. Boys volition last thrilled together with girls would dear this cute-looking Batman onigiri/ rice ball. 

Making cute nutrient for shaver is actually fun together with I'm together with thence enjoyed doing it. I ever chose a healthier choice to brand my son's nutrient colourful together with to brand repast fourth dimension to a greater extent than exciting.  

Batman Onigiri served alongside Pan Fried Curry Fish Fillet.

>> Get the easiest Pan Fried Curry Fish Fillet recipe hither >> 

Here's only about quick notes of how I prepared this cute batman subject lunch:

Batman onigiri is slow to brand because there's alone dark together with yellowish for the outfit together with beige for the peel colour. 

Black: Seaweed aka Nori is the perfect ingredients to brand Batman's outfit. I purpose yaki-nori (dry roasted seaweed) inwards making graphic symbol nutrient art. It's easier to handle.

Yellow: I used Cheddar cheese to brand the eyes together with other details inwards Batman's outfit.

Skin Colour: I added mashed pumpkin to the rice to larn the lite yellowish color for the skin. Another option is egg yolk. 

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